James Lantz vows to crawl through U.S. statehouses with the most regressive anti-Trans and anti-LGBTQ legislations until he raises enough awareness to produce and broadcast a PSA/commercial supporting Trans and LGBTQ youth during the 2024 election season.
Why crawl?
Crawling is what you do when your house is on fire — you do it to escape the fire and to survive. It’s what you do when you have no options left. Get low and move forward any way you can.
For many Trans and LGBTQ youth, the house is on fire.
Crawling through state capitols with regressive anti-Trans and anti-LGBTQ legislations — legislations that are literally killing LGBTQ youth — is an activism project by filmmaker James Lantz.
James vows to crawl through statehouses with regressive anti-Trans and anti-LGBTQ legislations until he raises enough awareness to produce and broadcast a PSA/commercial supporting Trans and LGBTQ youth during the 2024 election season.
You can see an animatic (demo) of the PSA/commercial here or click on the heading above for “PSA/Commercial.”
James vows to keep crawling through state houses until he reaches his goal of raising enough awareness for this PSA/commercial.
LGBTQ youth are suffering due to the anti-Trans and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric that is being projected onto them, given license, and even encouraged by the wave of anti-LGBTQ legislations being introduced and led by GOP legislators across the country.
As covered in this ‘Angry Gay Grandpa’ web series, in Lancaster Pennsylvania, five Trans youth have died by suicide in just the last 18 months.
The PSA/Commercial
To help counter the cultural narrative being propagated by GOP legislators and anti-LGBTQ legislations, we will produce and broadcast a commercial in a swing state called, “Not Losing You.”
This is a project that will save lives.
How? By broadcasting a life-affirming, heart-warming story with a happy ending and good coping skills, a story which has been scientifically shown to decrease depression and suicidal ideation — but also by including blue collar/red state characters who are typically left out of LGBTQ narratives.
You can see a temporary animatic of the PSA/commercial here or by clicking “PSA/Commercial” above.
It is being produced by The Not Losing You Company, a 501(c)(4) social welfare non-profit corporation.
What is a 501(c)(4) non-profit?
A 501c4 social welfare non-profit is an organization to promote social welfare and benefit the community; it is not organized for profit and is allowed to engage in social information activities such as making a commercial supporting Trans and Queer youth amid a GOP-led wave of anti-Trans and anti-LGBTQ legislation.
Please note that donations to The Not Losing You Company, because it is a 501(c)(4), are not tax deductible.