What’s in this episode?
Chapter 11: Addressing Trump for trans and LGBTQ youth
Mr. President, last night you issued an executive order banning care for trans youth. I wanted to follow Bishop Budde’s heartfelt example and address you directly. ... If I were to tell you that with your executive order, you have thrown tens of thousands of families, and trans and lgbtq kids into chaos, sowing fear and causing irreparable harm — I think that would actually be something you’d want to hear. In fact, I think you’d bask in it. Because, let’s be honest: you want to be feared, right? And truly, I think you should be feared — but not as Hitler was, or Putin is -- this might be how you want to be feared, but I don’t think that’s quite right.
To me, it’s no coincidence that COVID showed up in your first term and now we’re threatened once again, this time with Bird Flu — because you, Mr. President, are a walking pandemic. You infect everything with your disease. So yeah, I think we should fear you — like we fear getting massively sick: we should fear that you’ll cause our country to isolate behind closed doors, that we’ll keep our distance, and be frightened by our neighbors. That our country will shut down. That you’ll make us spend hours on the toilet trying to get rid of you, trying to flush you away, sneezing and coughing you to be done, hoping the fever of you will break. I fear the disease of you will cause people to die, maybe a lot of people.
But I fear the disease of you most on trans and lgbtq youth. I mean, come on, these are kids and you’re denying them protections and healthcare?? Really?? ... Fortunately, what you’ve neglected to consider is what I, and many others know: these kids have a secret weapon — they know. who. they. are. inside -- they know their identity, and you can’t ban away that. You can’t ban away who a person is -- you just can’t: it’s a basic law of science and philosophy: you can’t change the essential element of what a thing is. It’s always that thing, no matter what you say. Nothing you can say or write in your executive order changes that. In their heart of hearts, trans and lgbtq kids know that.
These kids are strong -- and they know how to survive. They've fought for their identity and they'll keep on fighting. You can never change who they are in their heart and soul. Their immunity to the disease of you is stronger than you know. Lucky for them, there are people in the world who are standing up to you in their name: heroes like Bishop Budde. And with every loud, obnoxious utterance you and your disease makes, like an immune response, you create even more.
For all the trans and lgbtq youth out there watching, let me say this: Your future self needs you. Stay strong. You are loved and you will love. Things might feel heavy and cruel right now, but hang in there. The wisdom of the ages reminds us over and over again: This too shall pass.
Finally, please share this video as widely as possible. Algorithms make it hard to get a message like ours out widely, but you can help -- share, like and comment on this video.
Until next time, remember your job is to survive -- your future self is counting on you.
The Not Losing You Company is a 501c4 social welfare non-profit.
Additional Chapters
Chapter 4
Yet another tragic suicide of a Trans youth in Lancaster PA: an extraordinary young man named Ashton Clatterbuck. PA State Senator Ryan Aument, who serves Lancaster, authored legislation called worse than Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill. Clips from “Alien” and “Rebecca.” An open question is posed to Senator Ryan Aument. Length: 11:53
Chapter 3
Fungi and the Death of Three Trans Teens. A little bit about Lancaster Pennsylvania. Local community leaders implement national strategies to subjugate local trans and LGBTQ teens. News clips. A comparison is made to the HBO series, “The Last of Us.” Length: 4:49
Chapter 1
Three Trans Teens in Lancaster Pennsylvania die by suicide in a single year. A church deacon says of one of the victims: the enemy was mental illness. Anti-trans rhetoric is implicated. Trump’s statement on gender affirming care. A note on gender conformity. Length: 4:37